7 Signs of Burnout & 11 Actionable Steps to Get Out of It
I hear so many people talk about feeling exhausted and having low motivation within their daily lives. Simple, daily activities feel like such a struggle. I think it’s also very common for most people to feel like they are the problem and that maybe they are just lazy or there’s something wrong with them. This isn’t true. We live in a culture where burnout behaviours are encouraged, celebrated and sometimes quietly expected.

Why you keep repeating the cycle of burnout & how to end it for good.
Recognizing and accepting that your job isn't the problem. Ooof. This is tough. It's so easy to blame our job, our boss, or the company we work for for how burnt out we're feeling. The complaints of not having enough hours in the day to do our jobs well because our plates have become so overloaded. Feelings of frustration because the job is taking so much of our time and energy, and we feel like we aren't able to do the activities outside of work that we want to do.

Prioritize what you value
Burnout isn’t just about feeling overworked or stressed. It can very often occur as a result of feeling disconnected from what truly matters to us. When our daily actions and commitments consistently don’t align with our core values, we’re setting ourselves up for a burnout meltdown. So today, we’ll explore how recognizing and prioritizing your values can not only prevent burnout but can also lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

The Importance of Connecting to our Physiology when Healing from Burnout
Today, I want to talk about how important it is to tune in and connect with your physiology when you’re in burnout. Understanding what is happening in your body when you are experiencing burnout & adrenal fatigue is incredibly important to facilitate healing.

Understanding survival stress, my dentist visit in Guatemala and my latest journey through burnout
Today, I want to talk about survival stress and how it can show up in the body. I’m going to use jaw tension and teeth grinding as a specific example as this is the way that survival stress manifests for me and is pretty common among other individuals. I’ll also share about my most recent experience with jaw tension and pain and how I ended up needing an emergency dentist in Guatemala. Lastly, I will share a bit more of my story with stress & burnout and what has been going on for me the past several months.

The Power of Sleep: Your Key to Health, Wellbeing, and Recovery from Burnout
I will discuss why sleep is crucial for your overall health and wellbeing, and how it plays a vital role in healing from burnout. I will also cover what is actually happening within your physiology when you sleep and I’ll walk you through 6 tips in how to optimize your sleep.

How high stress jobs impact us and how to de-stress
It’s no secret that many people have multiple different areas of life that can cause stress but today I want to focus specifically on high stress jobs. Many many people experience significant stress daily within their jobs. I know this was my experience for a long time so I wanted to speak to this and equip you with a strategy to be able to deal with these stressors in real time.